The rewards of doing an LBO are extraordinary. The prestige and financial power is intoxicating. Even the smallest of LBOs can generate huge income for a lifetime.
If you follow internet marketing at all, you may be drawn to the current fad of fast money by starting web businesses. In that arena you are a guru and on top of the world if you generate $1.0 Million a year. But these guys don’t even see that million and are lucky if they clear a couple hundred thousand after paying everyone.
Once an LBO is done you can sit back and relax while the Internet jockeys are still peddling self help junk and Adsense videos. You can have a BMW delivered to your doorstep and bill the company while everyone else is chasing the elusive $1.0 Million mark which you just quadrupled. You have a real multi-million company with a real staff, real location, real health insurance in the real world that isn’t here today and gone tomorrow. Any questions?